Towering Sweet Dreams Clown just loves laughing and playingwith kids! This intimidating 7-foot tall animated toweringcreep features an easy-to-assemble metal frame, long blackhair, black & white striped costume and large black clownshoes. He has two creepy elongated hands, one of which isholding a small child by the feet! The Sweet Dreams Clown'seyes will glow with green glee and his head and torsoturns side-to-side while he says one of 3 terrifying sayings( in. maniacal laughter in. , in. Oh look what I have here (childscreams), a new volunteer for my juggling act! (childscreams) Looks like I have a live one (child screams) - butnot for long hehehe! (child screams) in. , in. Wakey wakey, riseand shine sleepy head! (child screams) This should teach youto always look under your bed! (child screams) And in yourcloset hahah! (child screams) in. ) as the screaming child he'sholding by the feet screams and flails about! Plug the ULpower adapter into any standard outlet and choose fromSteady-On, Infra-Red Sensor or Step Here Pad (included)activation options to operate. The infra-red sensor works upto 6.5 feet away and works in all lighting conditions -bright light to no light! Item includes volume control.Easy-to-assemble with quick-connect poles. Assembly isrequired. Materials: 40% Iron, 8% PVC, 2% Electronic, 30%Polyester, 20% Cotton. For indoor or covered-porch use only.This clown might be available for your next birthday party -whether you want him or not!
Country of Origin: CHINA
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Sweet Dreams Clown 7ft An Prop
$399.00 Regular Price
$299.25Sale Price